Forklifts are indispensable in many industries. Unfortunately, they are also often the source of workplace accidents. How can we prevent risks and keep the operator and those around him safe? Check it out in our post below.

Safety first

The use of forklifts makes work much easier and more efficient, but they can also pose serious risks if not operated properly. Let’s take a closer look at why safety when working with a forklift is so important:

Health and life of employees

  • Immediate risk – forklift-related accidents can lead to injuries such as fractures, bruises or in extreme cases, even death.
  • Long-term consequences – In addition to the risk of immediate accidents, improper use of wheelchairs can contribute to the development of chronic conditions in particular spinal problems.

Legal responsibility

  • Costly claims – employees injured in an accident may demand workers’ compensation, which can be a financial blow to the company.
  • Company reputation – accidents can seriously damage a company’s image negatively, and this can scare off potential customers or business partners.
  • Penalties and fin es – failure to maintain safety standards can result in legal sanctions, including fines or even suspension of operations.

Operational efficiency

  • Minimize dow ntime – downtime due to accidents affects productivity and delays order fulfillment.
  • Cost savings – investing in safety is a saving in the long run, as it will avoid costs associated with accidents, workers’ compensation or repairing damaged equipment.
  • Employee satisfaction – a safe work environment contributes to employee satisfaction and loyalty, which translates into a positive atmosphere and quality of work.

How to improve forklift safety?

Working safely with a forklift is a matter of knowledge, responsibility and following certain procedures. Implementing certain practices and policies can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and increase productivity.

Training and certification are key. Every forklift operator should receive comprehensive training that includes both theory and practice. Regular knowledge updates and real-world practical exams are equally important to make sure operators’ skills are at the right level

Regular maintenance of forklifts is essential to ensure their proper operation. Introducing an inspection schedule and a requirement to keep an inspection log before each shift can help detect and eliminate problems before they become a serious threat.

When using forklifts, good operating practices play a key role. These include. speed limit, certain load rules or proper parking of forklifts with the engine off and forks down.

Understanding the work environment is another important aspect. Introducing appropriate signage, separating pedestrian and forklift zones, and equipping forklifts with proper lights and audible signals can significantly reduce the risk of accidents. Regular reviews of the warehouse layout and updates will also help avoid potential risks.

Proper protective equipment is also important. Even the best training and signage are no substitute for personal protective equipment, which includes helmets and helmets, gloves, work boots and reflective vests.

Communication should not be forgotten either. Meeting regularly with the team and discussing security topics, as well as introducing an incident reporting system, will create a security culture in which every employee feels responsible.

Common mistakes made when working with forklifts

Improper storage of cargo

Mistakes in loading and storing cargo can lead to serious accidents, such as overturning a cart or falling goods. Forklifts are designed to distribute weight evenly. Load unevenly distributed can cause the machine to lose its balance. In addition, each cart has a specific load limit. Overloading the cart increases the risk of an accident. Load instability is also a threat. The transported goods must be properly secured so that they do not move or fall during transportation.

Excessive speed

Driving a forklift quickly and carelessly is highly dangerous. Many workplaces have speed limits for forklifts that must be observed. Even if there are no specific limits you always need to adjust your speed to the current conditions, such as the humidity of the floor or visibility.

Failure to take the environment into account

When working with a forklift you need to be aware of the environment you are in. You have to be careful especially at such points as crossing corridors, corners or doors. In such places, it is difficult to see an oncoming cart or pedestrian, so extreme caution is required. Let’s also keep in mind the various obstacles that may appear on the cart’s track, as well as differences in lighting or damp ground, which can make driving the cart much more difficult.