Every entrepreneur facing the choice of a forklift wonders which one will be most beneficial for him – diesel or electric. What are the main differences between the two? Which will prove more economical to operate? Or are you more concerned with ecology? We have prepared for you a comprehensive comparison of both types of strollers. Check it out!

Construction and operation of internal combustion and electric forklifts

Forklifts are indispensable machines in many industries, which can vary significantly depending on the power source. Here’s a closer look at their construction and operating principle.

Diesel truck

  • Engine: It is based on a traditional internal combustion engine that can run on a variety of fuels, such as gasoline, diesel or gas.
  • Operating principle: When fuel is burned in the engine’s cylinders, energy is released to propel the carriage.
  • Exhaust system: Necessary for exhaust. Often equipped with a catalytic converter that reduces the harmfulness of the gases emitted.
  • Cooling: The most common is liquid cooling, which requires regular coolant changes.

Electric cart

  • Motor: Electric forklifts use electric motors that are powered by electricity from batteries.
  • Operating principle: When the battery supplies current to the motor, torque is produced, which drives the cart.
  • Battery: It is a key component of an electric wheelchair. Its capacity and quality affect the cart’s operating time between charges. Batteries can be based on different technologies, such as lead-acid or lithium-ion.
  • Speed controller: Allows you to control the speed of travel and lifting force. This allows the operator to adjust the speed of the forklift to meet current needs.

The differences in design between internal combustion and electric trucks have a direct impact on their performance, operating costs and environmental impact. Choosing the right stroller depends on many factors, but understanding the basic differences in their design is the first step to making an informed decision.

Comparison of forklifts – operating costs

When choosing a forklift, it is important to consider not only its initial price, but also the costs associated with its operation. Different sources of propulsion have different operating costs. And here’s a closer look at the costs involved in operating both types of carts:

Diesel truck

  • Fuel: This is a major expense when operating internal combustion trucks. Fuel prices are volatile, which can affect operating costs over the long term.
  • Servicing: Internal combustion engines require regular servicing, such as changing oil, filters and checking the ignition system.
  • Exhaust system: The need to replace parts of the exhaust system, such as catalytic converters or mufflers, can generate additional costs.
  • Malfunctions: More frequent failures compared to electric forklifts, which can lead to downtime and additional repair costs.

Electric cart

  • Energy: Charging the battery carries electricity costs. While these are typically lower than fuel costs for internal combustion trucks, it is worth paying attention to current tariffs and charging times.
  • Battery: It has a limited lifespan, which means it needs to be replaced after a while. Modern batteries may be expensive, but they also offer longer life and higher efficiency.
  • Servicing: Less often required than for internal combustion trucks. It mainly refers to checking the battery, brake system or electrical components.
  • No oil and filter expenses: Electric trucks do not need oil or filter changes, reducing maintenance costs.

When choosing a forklift, it’s worth considering what the total lifetime operating costs will be. While the initial investment in an electric forklift may be higher, the long-term savings in maintenance and energy may prove more beneficial. It is also worth taking into account possible downtime and costs associated with possible failures.

Comparison of forklifts – work efficiency

Labor productivity is one of the key factors in the decision to purchase a forklift. Both diesel and electric forklifts have their strengths in this area. To make an informed choice, it is useful to analyze the differences in the performance of the two types of forklifts.

Diesel truck

  • Driving power: With internal combustion engines, these trucks typically offer higher horsepower and torque, making them ideal for heavier tasks and carrying heavier loads.
  • Uninterrupted work: As long as there is access to fuel, diesel trucks can operate continuously. The lack of battery charging makes them ideal for applications where continuous operation is required.
  • Flexibility in a variety of conditions: Internal combustion trucks often perform better in harsher conditions, such as low temperatures or humid environments, compared to electric trucks.

Electric cart

  • Quieter operation: Electric forklifts operate much more quietly, making them ideal for indoor applications and places where noise is a concern.
  • No emissions: Thanks to the absence of exhaust fumes, electric forklifts are safe for use inside buildings, warehouses or production halls.
  • Constant power: The power provided by the battery is constant for most of its life, which means that the performance of the forklift does not decrease over time (until the battery needs recharging).
  • Limited working hours: Although modern batteries offer increasingly longer life, electric forklifts have limited run time between charges. That’s why it’s important to manage working and charging times.

When selecting a forklift for productivity, it is important to consider the specifics of your business and workplace. For companies that need a forklift that works continuously and under harsh conditions, diesel forklifts may be a better choice. Electric carts, on the other hand, are ideal for indoor environments where quietness and lack of emissions are a priority.

Ecological aspects

Ecology is becoming increasingly important for many companies. In an era of growing environmental awareness and environmental standards, it is worth considering how the choice of forklift affects the environment. Here is a detailed look at the environmental aspects of both types of carts:

Diesel truck

  • Exhaust emissions: The combustion of fuels in internal combustion engines leads to the emission of greenhouse gases and other harmful substances. This can affect air quality in workplaces, especially indoors.
  • Fuel consumption: The acquisition, transportation and production of fuels have a significant impact on the environment. Oil exploration leads to the devastation of ecosystems, and oil spills can contaminate water and land.
  • Oil and fluid consumption: Regular servicing of internal combustion engines involves changing oils and fluids, which can be harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly.

Electric cart

  • No exhaust emissions: Electric trucks do not emit exhaust fumes during operation, which is a definite advantage, especially in confined areas.
  • Energy consumption: Although electric forklifts do not consume fossil fuels directly, their batteries must be charged regularly. The source of electricity matters – if it comes from renewable sources, the carbon footprint is significantly lower.
  • Battery recycling: Batteries have a limited life span. Their proper disposal and recycling are key to minimizing environmental impact.

Choosing a forklift with environmental considerations in mind can benefit not only the environment, but also the company’s image. Today’s businesses are increasingly recognizing the value of green measures and are eager to invest in solutions that have less impact on the environment. By choosing an electric forklift, you are not only investing in a green future, but also in the health and safety of your employees.